Signature Montana Magazine - Fall 2022
Article by Denise Czuprynski
Photography by Sage DuBois Photography
"Western Artist Lance DuBois - Man of Many Hats"
"Sculptor. Leather artisan. Portrait painter. Knifemaker. Cowboy poet. Jewelry maker. Lance DuBois may well be the quintessential, modern-day Western artist. A fifth-generation Montanan, his great-grandfather moved to Montana in 1851, when it was still a territory. Growing up on a ranch on the Judith River, DuBois often rode a horse to school and didn't have indoor plumbing until the seventh grade."

Portfolio Magazine - Spring 2022
Jay Conway & Friends write-up on featured artists

KINX 102.7 Radio Interview
Interview with various artists for Western Art Week

Western Art Week Event Guide - 2019
Bronze sculpture "Traveling Troubadour" was featured on the cover
I have been very blessed in my career to be highlighted in various publications and media highlights across the great state of Montana. Some of which include Signature Montana Magazine, Portfolio Magazine (the official guide for Western Art Week), and the front cover for the 2019 Western Art Week Show & Event Guide. Currently, I occupy the back inside cover space of Signature Montana Magazine with my cowboy poetry as well. I will also have an article in the 2024 edition of Portfolio Magazine that I will post here as well. I am grateful for each opportunity I have been given!
Keep up with me on my social media pages here:
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