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"Woodrow's Western Wisdom" Lookin' Back - Edition 1

Montana cowboy poet, Lance "Woodrow" DuBois, colorfully depicts the legends, humor and romance of the Great American West as he recollects his past and allows his imagination to tell some tales in this collection of 38 poems.

Print Length: 82 pages
Language: English
ns: 6 x 9 inches
Estimated Availability Date: March 2024

Cowboy Poetry

A big 'howdy' to all you poetry lovers and a warm welcome to pour a cup of cowboy coffee and sit round the cracklin' campfire to laugh and reflect as we allow our imaginations to wander back into the west with my first edition cowboy poetry book "Woodrow's Western Wisdom - Lookin' Back" .

I have been writing cowboy poetry for over 20 years now and it is a dream come true of mine to have 38 of my poems published! This book is the first edition of a collection of poems that are a direct result of a lifestyle of humility and simplicity. For a young boy, the small cabin we called home in the Judith River Brakes and the chores and daily challenges of surviving, made me who I am. My Pa sought to build character in my older brother, Craig, and I as his ranch hands versed in the 3 R's – ridin', ropin', and respect. Along with this collection of poems, I have included some of my illustrations as well as selected some words of wisdom that will guide you along the trail.

My performing name is "Woodrow", a nickname I was given years ago that stuck like an old truck in the mud. I read my poetry to many fine folks including libraries, communities, western gatherings, schools, elderly homes, and for anyone who has some time to slow down and reflect on the good ol' days. Storytelling and poetry brings me great joy to see folks moved by mere words written down on paper – reflections of the past and times gone by, embellished for the sake of entertainment. My poems may provoke a chuckle or a tearful, heartfelt emotion or even a moment to romanticize about the west. 


This book will be available to pre-order on Amazon. Please fill out the form below to be added to our pre-order email list for a signed copy of my book.  Printed copies will be available in mid-March! Once you receive your copy, I do truly hope you will enjoy spendin' time with me, gazin' into the dancin' embers of the campfire as we do a little lookin' back.


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